Our Allies
Discover who supports the F-Rated campaign and who we work alongside, championing equality in film
Amma Asante
"The F-Rating is a superb and necessary benchmark. One that all films and filmmakers should aspire to meet"

Kate Kinninmont
“Bravo to Holly Tarquini and F-Rating for launching this campaign and kudos to The Barbican and all the other industry organisations who are supporting it. We must all work together to ensure that we achieve equality of opportunity for all women in our industry, whether they work in front of or behind the camera. Onwards!”
Kate Kinninmont MBE, CEO of Women in Film & Television (UK)

Sarah Gavron
"I am so glad that the F-Rating exists. We desperately need to shine a light on the issue of the lack of women in film. F-Rating is a fantastic way to draw attention to films that do employ women both in front of the camera and also behind the camera. Holly Tarquini has become a vital spokesperson in our industry representing all of us women filmmakers! As this website points out, this issue goes beyond being just another instance of gender inequality in the workplace - film both reflects our culture and influences it - when women are behind the camera there are always more women on screen. And those women on screen tell our stories and encourage and inspire girls and women in society. Let's all support F-Rating and work together to help shift this imbalance once and for all!"

Hope Dickson Leach
"The more we see ourselves on screen, the more meaningful cinema can be. How else can we learn the truth of other people, if we don’t feel represented ourselves? To me cinema relies on empathy, which means we must all be present. Without empathy cinema becomes propaganda, a tool to carve people into falsehoods. Any efforts to promote an inclusive approach to storytelling should be celebrated, and as such, the F-Rating is a fantastic way to forge a path to equality for women not just on screen, but in the world."

Kate Hardie
"Who thinks the thought, who plans the plan, who tells the story, who sets the tone - makes a huge difference. Their experience of the world, of being human within it - shapes how they write, philosophise, what they think is important - and, of course how they make films. I am desperate for stories told by different voices: white, cis, hetero, middle-aged and middle class men have been the dominant voice in cinema since it began and they still are in 2016. Like all of us, I hope the F-Rating becomes a thing of the past: that there will be a time when there will be so many different types of people telling cinematic stories that we won't have to point out those written by, directed by and starring women, but for now it is a much needed marker to give us the audience a chance to choose when we want a different voice speaking to us, when we want to see the world through different eyes."

What you can do to support F-Rated:
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Ask film festivals and your local cinema to use the F-Rating
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