

Read some of the coverage of the F-Rating in the world’s media and more news about the rating. For up to the moment news, follow F-Rating on Twitter and Facebook

One Film Festival Is Introducing an ‘F’ for Feminist Rating

Elle BY DIANA BRUK NOV 10, 2014 It looks like the film world is in for another much-needed feminist shake-up. The Bath Film Festival, which opens this Thursday, has introduced a new "F" rating, which will be given to movies that feature a strong female lead, director, producer or writer....

UK’s Bath Film Festival Launch New “F-Rated” Feminist Film Category

GirlTalkHQ November 28, 2014 at 12:30 pm Remember the feminist film festival in Melbourne, Australia we told you about not too long ago? The ‘Girls on Film‘ festival was created to break down stigma around the word “feminism” and to show a range of films where women were portrayed as...


[摘要]电影分级制度将不同类型的电影分为不同级别,有所有人都可以观看的,也有建议部分人群观看的,方便观众们在选择电影时进行借鉴。近日,英国电影节上推出了一个新的级别——F级电影。 我们都知道国外实行的电影分级制度,G级代表大众级,所有人都可以看,PG代表普通级,建议在父母陪伴下观看,还有PG-13,R级等等。在今年的英国巴斯电影节上,组织方推出了一个新的电影级别——F级电影。想知道这个级别代表什么吗? A new feminist film classification, f-rated film, is to be used at this year's Bath Film Festival to highlight the lack of women working in the movie industry. 今年的巴斯电影节期间将出现一个新的电影分级类别——女权主义级别电影(或称F级电影),意在凸显电影行业中女性工作者缺乏的现状。 Organizers believe it is the first UK festival to use the "F-rating" which will go to 17 of the...