Calling the Shots: Women and Contemporary Film Culture in the UK, 2000-2015 is a four-year, AHRC-funded research project that investigates women in the contemporary UK film industry, led by Dr Shelley Cobb and Prof Linda Ruth Williams at the University of Southampton. The project’s Research Fellow Dr Natalie Wreyford is conducting primary research through a detailed statistical analysis of British films in production from 2000-2015. From this data, the researchers are producing annual reports detailing how many women worked in key production roles – director, writer, producer, exec producer, cinematographer and editor. We are recording interviews in order to build a story of women’s varied experiences in British film in the first part of this century; they will be housed with the BECTU history archive. The data and interviews will be the foundation of both academic and mainstream publications produced by the project’s research team, which includes two funded PhD students. For more information, please go to our website.